7 Practical Tips for Remodeling Your Kitchen on a Budget in Dubai

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Update: October 20, 2023
Tips for Remodeling Your Kitchen
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Remodeling your kitchen should be an investment that you are comfortable with.

Most homeowners hesitate to go through a renovation project, fearing it might become a substantial financial burden. The truth is that budget kitchen remodeling is possible when you know how to do it. You are your own best advocate with regard to keeping your remodeling project within budget.

Some small changes like waterproofing paints, updating your cabinets and fixtures and installing a backsplash can save you a ton in the long run.

Secondary parties involved in the process, like architects, designers and contractors, will implicitly agree to the budget you declare as long as all details are discussed and ironed out firsthand.

7 Practical Tips for Remodeling Your Kitchen on a Budget

Want to get more bang for less buck? Here are tips from a kitchen remodeling expert on saving money during a kitchen renovation project.

1. Hire a professional.

If what you intend to do goes beyond the simple replacing of countertops or painting cabinets, don’t try to save money and cut corners by attempting to do the tasks yourself. Hiring a professional will save you time and money down the road by making sure you don’t commit any expensive errors.

2. Have a detailed plan.

Once you have chosen an expert to work with, establish a plan for your kitchen remodel. This is where you decide everything you want to include in the kitchen and how the outcome would look.

Make sure you go over the details minutely with your designer or contractor. What leads a budget to spiral out of control is a homeowner who makes decisions too late during the renovation.

3. Bring in better lighting.

Improving the lighting is a good move in any remodeling project, especially in the kitchen. It doesn’t have to be expensive, though. For instance, you can add under-cabinet lighting that won’t bust your budget but will create a huge impact, particularly on the functionality of your kitchen space.

The goal is to make sure the overhead lighting in the kitchen is bright and concentrated, particularly in areas where you will be cooking. Talk to your designer about the appropriate light fixtures that can fit into your budget.

4. Know where to save.

The backsplash you have for your kitchen will be a style leader in the room. Besides being functional by keeping food and oils off the wall, it can determine the entire look of your kitchen. Although a backsplash may become a cost-driver, it doesn’t have to be.

Finish the tile where the walls meet rather than turning colors and carrying your backsplash along the kitchen wall. This ensures that you have the tiles where they are most visually and functionally significant. Afterward, you can budget for some mind-blowing tile work in the areas behind the sink or stove and continue in other places around it.

5. Keep your outdated cabinets.

If your cabinets are still in good condition, consider keeping them instead of buying new ones. What you can do to make them appear up-to-date is to give them a modern look.

Decorative paint in Dubai is now widely available, and you can use it to give your cabinets an upgrade.

Painting your cabinets a bright white will do wonders and save you money. However, do make sure to wash, prime, and paint your cabinets with a high-quality white semi-gloss for a classic look. You can also enhance the bright white effect by adding new hardware.

6. Refresh outdated cabinets with new doors.

If you can’t salvage your cabinets even by using the brightest coat of paint, consider installing new doors. As long as the cabinet structure is still reliable, you don’t need to throw out the entire cabinetry.

Get some measurements and find a door style that you like and meets your budget. This way, you can give your cabinets a whole new look for a fraction of the cost.

7. Maintain the original layout.

One huge factor that can drive up the budget is changing the entire kitchen layout. By maintaining the same kitchen layout and only altering certain elements within that framework, you can keep your remodeling budget down to a minimum.

Keep your plumbing where it is, as moving the dishwasher and sink may entail major plumbing work. If you need to move something to create more space, talk to a professional plumber about the most cost-effective action to take.

Significant changes to your kitchen footprint sometimes entail more effort and cost than what they’re worth. As much as possible, try to make the kitchen remodeling work within the existing layout to save money.

Splurge more on quality

When doing kitchen remodeling on a budget, your aim is to make sure your kitchen looks the part, while making thoughtful choices about style and functionality. If your appliances and cabinets still work, invest in enhancing them rather than replacing them altogether.

Remind yourself that what you need is a kitchen that looks fresh and is fully functional.

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