In the civil engineering field students to professionals, everyone should know that what is Le Chatelier Apparatus and it's uses. This article covers that subject. In this post you will find detailed information about Le Chatelier Apparatus : Definition, Uses and Construction.
Le Chatelier Apparatus is Used for | Definition and Construction
Here the great information of Le Chatelier Apparatus definition, it's construction and application is described in simple terms. Now read this article and grow your knowledge.
Le Chatelier’s Apparatus: Definition
What is Le Chatelier's Apparatus?
Le Chatelier's Apparatus is a device that is used in the testing of hydraulic cements to determine their soundness. The test is known as 'Soundness test of cement by Le Chatelier Apparatus' or 'Le Chatelier test of cement'.
Le Chatelier Apparatus: IS Code
What is the IS Code for Le Chatelier Apparatus?
Le Chatelier Apparatus have to conforming the standard IS: 5514 (1996).
Le Chatelier Apparatus: Construction with Explanation
Le Chatelier apparatus consists of a small split cylinder of spring brass or other suitable non-cor-rodible metal of 0·5 mm thickness, which forms a mould with 30 mm internal diameter and 30 mm hight. On either side of the split, two indicators are suitably brazed with pointed ends made of brass wire of diameter 2 mm such that the distance of these ends from the center of the cylinder is 165 mm (as shown in below Figure-1).
Figure-1 |
The mould is flexible enough that the action of a mass of 300 g applied (as shown in Figure-2) increases the distance between the indicator ends of the needle by 17·5 mm ± 2·5 mm without permanent deformation.
Figure-2 |
The split cylinder is placed in between the two glass plates as shown in Figure-3. A pair of plain glass base and cover plates is provided for each mould. It is noted that each plate should be larger than the mould, the preferred size is 35 mm x 35 mm. The cover plate should be weigh at least 75 g; an additional small mass can be placed on a thin plate to satisfy this requirement.
Figure-3 |
Two loops of suitable material and strength is soldered to the upper half of the mould on each side of the central split (see Figure-4). This arrangement is provided to facilitate demoulding of the hardened paste specimen after the test.
Figure-4 |
For boiling, water-bath with means of heating, capable of containing immersed Le-Chatelier specimens and of raising the temperature of the water to boiling in 30 min ± 5 min is used.
Dimensions and Tolerance of Le Chatelier Apparatus
The dimensions of the split cylinder and the pointers should be as detailed above paragraphs (construction of Le Chatelier Apparatus). The nominal dimension and tolerance of the split cylinder and the pointers should be as indicated in Table give below.
Table : Dimensions of the Split Cylinder and the Pointers
Description |
Dimensions (in mm) |
Nominal |
Tolerance |
Outer side
of the mould to the end of the indicator |
150 |
0.3 |
diameter of the mould |
30 |
0.15 |
thickness of the mould |
0.5 |
0.05 |
Height of
mould |
30 |
0.15 |
Split |
0.5 Max |
─ |
Points Should be Noted When Buying Le Chatelier Apparatus
The following information should be clearly and indelibly marked on the apparatus in such a manner that it does not interfere with the performance of
the apparatus:
- Standard certification like BIS (in India), ASTM(in US), CSA (in Canada), etc.
- Indication of the source of manufacture, and
- Date of manufacture.
Le Chatelier Apparatus is Used for
The Le Chatelier Apparatus is used for the determination of soundness of ordinary and rapid hardening portland cement by expansion method. The test name is Soundness test of Cement using Le Chatelier Apparatus. The presence of lime or magnesia in the cement is responsible for the soundness of cement.